Fort Bend County Map
Index map to the Zingery bound volume of Fort Bent County, Texas maps. The original size is 19 x 19.
The bold red letters refer to specific sections in the book. The map itself identifies oil field, prison farms, communities with their population, roads, railroads, and waterways among other items of interest.

Justice of the Peace Precincts
Harris County Justice of the Peace Precincts. Original size 42 x 33 inches.
The last boundaries prior to the realignment in 1973.

Brazoria County Map
Road Map Brazoria County, Texas with surveys throughout Brazoria County, Texas. Wm. H. Hershey, County Engineer. Original size 29 x 31 inches.
Map includes an index to roads (all numbered), graphs detailing the miles of highways and the number of square miles per precinct, and navigable waterways.

Buffalo Bayou Flood Map
Special Flood Hazard Information – Buffalo Bayou (Shepherd Drive to Barker Dam), Houston, TX. Army Corps of Engineers. Original size 17.5 x 15 inches.
The verso of printed brochure on flood hazards. For complete brochure contact the Harris County Archives.

Cedar Bayou Flood Map
Flood Plain Information, Cedar Bayou, Houston Metropolitan Area, TX. Army Corps of Engineers. Original size 17.5 x 15 inches.
The verso of printed brochure on flood hazards. For complete brochure contact the Harris County Archives.

Clear Lake Flood Map
Special Flood Hazard Information, Clear Creek, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Harris Counties, TX Army Corps of Engineers. Original size 18 x 17.5 inches.
The verso of printed brochure on flood hazards. For complete brochure contact the Harris County Archives.

Greens and Halls Bayous Flood Map
Flood Plain Information, Greens and Halls Bayous, Harris County, TX. Army Corps of Engineers. Original size 18 x 17 inches.
The verso of printed brochure on flood hazards. For complete brochure contact the Harris County Archives.

Spring and Willow Creeks Flood Map
Flood Plain Information, Spring and Willow Creeks, Houston Metropolitan Area, TX. Army Corps of Engineers. Original size 17 x 14.5 inches.
The verso of printed brochure on flood hazards. For complete brochure contact the Harris County Archives.

White Oak Bayou Flood Map
Special Flood Hazard Information – White Oak Bayou, Cole Creek, and Vogel Creek, Harris County, TX. Army Corps of Engineers. Original size 17.5 x 15 inches.
The verso of printed brochure on flood hazards. For complete brochure contact the Harris County Archives.

Harris County Justice of the Peace Precincts
Harris County Justice of the Peace Precincts. Original size 19 x17 inches.
The 1973 highly controversial realignment of JP and Constable Precincts established 2 justice courts per precinct and also provided for minority representation. Sitting justices were thrown out of office by the new boundaries. Please see the 1968 JP map for comparison.

Harris County Commissioners Precinct Lines
Harris County Commissioners Precinct Lines, 1982. Courtesy of Tom Bass Commissioner Precinct 1. Original size 19 x 25 inches.
An insert details the precincts boundaries within the 610 Loop, the center of Houston.

Constables and Justice of the Peace Precinct Lines
Constables & Justice of the Peace Precinct Lines. Harris County, Texas. Courtesy of El Franco Lee Commissioners Precinct 1. Original size 23 x 29 inches.
There are two justices of the peace and one constable within each precinct.

Harris County Precinct 4 Map
1997 – 1998 Harris County Precinct 4 Map. Jerry Eversole Commissioner Precinct 4, 1001 Preston Avenue, Suite 924, Houston, Texas 77002. (713)755-6444. Original size is 35 x 23 inches.
The map identifies locations for all the amenities for the public including courthouse annexes, community centers, libraries, administrative and maintenance offices, and special features - nature center, canoe launch, camping facilities, football field, soccer field, interpretive center and wildlife center. A Parksites graphic identifies rest rooms, playgrounds, picnic-BBQ grills, tennis courts, basketball courts, softball fields, community centers, pavilions, fishing, trails and amount of acreage per park.

Harris County Recreational Facilities Map
Harris County Recreational Facilities Map as shown by Commissioners Precincts. Names the commissioners for each precinct along with their contact phone numbers. Original size 34 x 23 inches.
The precincts are color coded. The index is also color coded and locates parks, community centers, and libraries with street addresses in each precinct.