Manuscript Collections
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Please contact the archives for any questions about the collections. Not all the collections have been completely processed. Links in titles indicate Finding Aids or Inventories for that collection. For an alphabetical listing of the manuscript collections click here.
MC001 - E. A. "Squatty" Lyons Papers (1930 - 1994)
Twenty-two scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, printed materials, correspondence, photographs, and political ephemera document the political career and interests of E. A. “Squatty” Lyons and provide a record of Harris County government from 1943 – 1990.
MC002 - Glenn A. Perry Papers (1935 - 1950)
One scrapbook, three photographs, and two fezzes document Glenn A. Perry’s term as Harris County Judge (1944 – 1950). The scrapbook contains primarily newspaper clippings recording the functions of the Harris County government. Of particular interest is the concentration of the articles from the local and statewide press on juvenile and child welfare concerns.
MC003 - Abstracts of Title (individually donated)
An abstract of title traces the conveyances and encumbrances on a piece of property from the original grant forward. It also contains a certification by the abstractor that the history is complete and accurate. Abstracts are a condensed history of a specific parcel of land and can be a valuable reference tool. For the complete list of abstracts in the Harris County Archives, please see Pathfinders.
MC004-Charles R. Brace Papers (1977 - 1957)
Maps, printed materials, newspaper clippings and legal records document the professional work of Charles R. Brace (1881 – 1960), a real-estate developer and builder in the Houston area from the mid-1920’s until the early 1950’s. Seven of the maps from the collection are digitized and available on the Map Collection page.
MC005 - Houston Cotton Exchange Records. (1880 - 1933)
Organizational records, printed materials, a financial report, and correspondence document the Houston Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade.
MC006 - James H. Bray Papers (1971 - 1973)
Only 2 of the original scrapbooks survive intact the remainder were destroyed by termites while stored on the dirt floor of an outbuilding. However, the remaining records contain newspaper clippings, correspondence, and printed materials of Jamie Bray, Harris County Commissioner, Precinct 2, 1971 - 1974
MC007 - Harris County Tax Rolls (State Comproller Copies) (1850 - 1862)
These handwritten tax rolls were sent annually by Harris County to the Comptrollers Office in Austin . In 2003 a large number of these tax rolls from various counties were found on the floor in the Julia Ideson Building. With the permission of the State Archivist, Chris LaPlant, all of the tax rolls were removed to the Harris County Archives where they were arranged by county and sent either to the originating county or the Historical Records Depository serving that area. The bulk of the rolls are from 1860 - 1862.
MC008 - Bob Eckels Papers (1935 - 1988)
Fourteen scrapbooks, photographs, audio video tapes and 1 film document the political career and interests of Bob Y. Eckels, Harris County Commissioner Precinct 3, 1972 - 1989.
MC009 - Dr. Joseph A. Jachimczyk (1874 - 2005)
Newspaper clippings, printed materials, photographs, correspondence, and artifacts, document the personal and professional work of Dr. Joseph A. Jachimczyk (1923-2004), Harris County’s Chief Medical Examiner (1960-1995) for 35 years. The collection is divided into nine series: Correspondence, Subject Files, Legal, Creative Works, Printed Materials, Monographs, Photographs, Scrapbooks, and Artifacts.
MC010 - J. E. "Mac" McCain Photograph Collection (1978 -1999)
Photographs, administrative records, manuals, minutes, a VHS and audio tape, and printed materials document the professional and personal interests of Mac McCain. Of particular interest are the 46 albums of photographs (1978 - 1991)recording county employees, elected officials, and events.
MC011 - A. J. Wagner Company, Inc. Records (1908 - 1910)
Two volumes of financial records document the business activities of the A. J. Wagner Company, Inc. in Bryan, Navasota, Mexia, and Cameron, Texas, from its inception to its declaration of bankruptcy in August 1910.
MC012 - Heritage Society Map Collection (1885 - 1960)
One hundred and eleven municipal, county, and regional maps in addition to surveys and subdivision plats were donated by Houston's Heritage Society to the Harris County Archives. A number of the maps have been conserved and digitized and are available in the Map Collection on this website. The plats are digitized and are available on the Harris County Digital Archives. The inventory covers only those maps donated by the Heritage Society.
MC013 - Women Professionals in Government Records(1987 - 2010)
Four annual scrapbooks, two scholarship committee scrapbooks, one 2nd Vice President scrapbook, loose photographs, and a Senate Resolution document the professional, social, and educational involvement of the Women Professionals in Government organization from 1987-2010. Harris County employees and elected officials have been involved in positions of leadership in WPG since its inception.
MC014 - Frank F. Spata Map Collection
Two plat books and twenty-two plat maps (1906-1993) document the development of the city of Houston, Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Brazoria County, Texas. Of particular interest are the maps of the Fourth Ward prior to the redevelopment in the late 1990s, Houston’s Freedman’s Town, and the downtown area of Houston.
MC015 - Jim Fonteno Papers (1974 - 2002)
Thirty-one scrapbooks and loose newspaper clippings (1974 - 2002) document the tenure of long-serving Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner, Jim Fonteno. Please see a finding aid for his Audio-Visual Collection on County Records.
MC016 - John Peters Papers
Correspondence, newspaper articles, a newsletter, and 39 black and white 8 x 10 photographs document the Harris County Boys School (1956 - 1971) and the efforts by the communities of Clear Lake and Webster to keep the school open. Also included in the collection are a A History of the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department 1907 - 1984 and a thesis, Burnett-Bayland Home: An Historical Perspective.
MC017 - Bond Certification Records(1894 - 1949)
Bond Certification Records from the Texas Attorney General’s Office document the certification of bonds for Harris County, the City of Houston, Harris County Municipalities, and Independent School Districts. Scans of the Drainage District Records are available here.
MC018 - Vera Dial Harris Scrapbook Collection (1937 - 1973)
Photographs, printed materials, newspaper clippings, and correspondence document the professional career of Vera Dial Harris as a Negro County Home Demonstration Agent in Austin and Harris County from 1937 until her retirement in 1973.
MC019 - Clayton Library Friends Microfilm Collection
Clayton Library Friends donated 162 rolls of microfilm of the Houston Post from February 19, 1880 to December 31, 1900.
MC020 - Rosemary Parks Collection
Rosemary Parks, daughter of Harris County Commissioner Tex Dreyfus, worked for the Harris County Engineering Department. Photographs of the Engineering and Right of Way Departments, February 1952, Astrodome construction, September 1963, construction of the Administration Building and two artifacts, the wooden name plate and ship's wheel from the ferry "Tex Dreyfus" document her family's ties to Harris County government.