Manuscript Collections (M041 thru M061)
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Please contact the archives for any questions about the collections. Not all the collections have been completely processed. Links in titles indicate Finding Aids or Inventories for that collection. For an alphabetical listing of the manuscript collections click here.
MC041 - Boudloche Land Records
Maps, a deed, correspondence, and condemnation of land related to the Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation pipeline crossing of four tracts of land in the Benjamin Barrow Survey in Harris County, Texas.
MC042 - City of Houston Housing and Community Development Photos
Sixteen printed digital photographs documenting 4709 Texas Street, 77011, and 312 Cosmos Street, 77009, in compliance with Texas Historical Commission requirement that photographs be placed in a local repository.
MC043 - Historic Court Documents
This artificial collection is a sampling of the case files from the Justice (20 Cases), County (ca. 175 Cases), and District (17 Cases) courts of Harris County from its first three decades, 1837-1867. While most case documents are from the Republic of Texas (especially 1838), there are several from the 1850s and a small sampling from Reconstruction, but none from the Civil War period. Together the files create an incomplete yet tantalizing picture of early Harris County and are an important addition to manuscript resources available to the study of Texas legal and social history.
MC044 - Schultz Family Papers
Sixty-two legal and financial records (1856 – 1937) document the acquisition and retention of land by members of the Schultz Family in Northeast Harris County, Texas. Of particular interest are early school tax receipts (1871), the evolution and variant spellings of “Krimmel” from Crimmell to Grimmell to Krimmel, and John Zimmerman’s Letter Patent for 160 acres signed by Governor T. R. Lubbock.
MC045 - Houston Street Scenes Photograph Collection
Sixty-five color slide transparencies document properties in Houston in May and June 1967 with the East End comprising the bulk of the collection. Also included are several maps of Houston and unidentified properties. The slides can be viewed on the Harris County Digital Archives .
MC046 - Penn City Land Company Records
A single ledger, Penn City Land Company, July 8, 1909 - November 27,1914, documents the early development of Penn City in east Harris County.
MC047 - Michael Hardee Driscoll Papers 
Personal and professional papers, photographs, transparencies, photo albums, film, VHS tapes, printed materials, plaques, artifacts, creative works, and ephemera (1928 - 2013) document the personal, professional, and political activities and service of Michael Driscoll, Harris County Attorney (1981 – 1996).
MC048 - Terence O'Rourke Papers
Correspondence, printed materials, legal documents, creative works, photographs, audio-video tapes, daily journals, minutes, and a film 1960 – 2007 document the education and career of Terence O’Rourke. Of particular interest are the 2.5 cubic feet of records pertaining to the standoff of The Republic of Texas militia members with the State of Texas in the Davis Mountains in 1996. All video tapes have been digitized.
MC049 - StarTex Title Abstract Collection
Property records including 32 volumes of block books created by Texas Title and Abstract Company, 725 volumes of abstracts of title, and 15 order books dating from the mid-1920s document the history of land ownership in Harris County.
MC050 - Larry Paul Smith Collection
Nine digitized photographs and 3 personal essays by Larry Paul Smith (“807 Rutland,” “The Gypsies,” and “Yale Pharmacy,”) document the history of a Houston Heights neighborhood, 1933 – 2005.
MC051 - C. B. Green Collection (1913 - 1963)
A scrapbook documents the Harris County Home for the Aged, the Harris County Probation Department, and the Green family through photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and creative works. Additional items include a 2003 aerial photograph of the property and a newspaper article from 2014 about the Harris County Cemetery. Digitized and available on the Harris County Digital Archives.
MC052 - Henry R. Norman Collection
Daily diaries (1954 – 1995), copies of photographs, correspondence and newspaper clippings (1938 – 1969) document the engineering and flood control work of Henry R. Norman. The newspaper clippings have been digitized.
MC053 - Dalala Kathleen Saccar Collection
A scrapbook (1925 – 1983) created by Beulah Cisco, teacher at the Harris County School for Girls, containing photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and greeting cards documents the life of the residents and staff at the county institution. Additional photographs and certificates record the lives of the Saccar children. The records have been digitized and are available on the Harris County Digital Archives hosted by the Harris County Public Library.
MC054 - Kirk Farris Collection
Identification Card for Kirk Farris, Pollution Control Department, 1978
MC055 - John D. Bruton Papers
Approximately .5 cubic feet of photographs, maps, printed materials, reports and a deed (1958 – 1991) document the establishment of Kingwood by the Friendswood Development Corporation.
MC056 - Luther Brown Papers
Deed (typescript), correspondence, and 33 tax receipts (1893 – 1927) relating to the ownership of Lot 30, Aldine Gardens, Harris County, Texas.
MC057 - Weather Museum Collection (1937 - 1978)
Twenty-three publications provide historical examinations of hydrology and urban flooding in Houston, Harris County, and Texas 1937 – 1978. The publications are particularly relevant given the severe flooding Houston and Harris County continue to experience.
MC058 - Charles Henley Papers (1991 - 2005)
Newspaper clippings, correspondence, memos, and faxes document the conflict between Harris County and the Greater Houston AIDS Alliance in 1992. Case management and decisions by the Ryan White Planning Council are covered in later news articles. This collection has been digitized. Also reference the Charles Henley Oral History.
MC059 - Morse Bragg Cemetery Collection
139 MB of correspondence, legal documents, maps, printed materials, and photographs relating to the Morse Bragg Cemetery and its eventual transfer to Harris County as a park in Precinct 3.
MC060 - Eli Mittelstedt Photo Collection
Three digital photographs of Eli Mittelstedt, Harris County Precinct 7 Constable, 1885 – 1896, document his wedding to Martha Mueschke, December 1897, his time as constable 1895, and an undated photograph as a young man.
MC061 - Mike Vance Microfilm Collection
Microfilm of the Houston Post for the following dates: January – February 1914, January – December 1917, January – December 1918, January – December 1919, January – December 1930.